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Jau (4) 

sheng and live electronics

*Jau(4) is commissioned by the Hong Kong Museum of Art to collaborate with a collection, Santa Claus Visiting My Studio (1981) by Fushan Chan.

Program Notes


Fushan Chan’s works show a mixture of Chinese and Western culture and local elements. We can find many fragments of Hong Kong’s old days. The images of fishes also appear in his work frequently.


Jau (4), the title of this work, is a phonetic alphabet of two words that have the same pronunciation in Cantonese. (They mean swim and travel. ) The performer is acting as a fish swimming from a fish tank and traveling around from the old days to nowadays Hong Kong. I collected some unique, important, and treasure sounds in Hong Kong. The role of sheng is to respond to those sounds. It involved some of my emotional reactions to the sounds in Hong Kong. I tried to follow Fushan Chan's innovative ideas of combining different painting techniques in his work, and mix the live instrumental sound, electronics, and pre-recorded environmental sounds together. This piece is using sounds to recreate the paint of the soundscape in Hong Kong.











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